Wednesday, November 19, 2014

COUNTDOWN DEAL!!!! November 20-24!

Each year, the hype for Black Friday and holiday shopping seems to move earlier and earlier. Did you notice the Christmas decorations before Halloween this year?  When I was growing up Thanksgiving marked the beginning of the holiday season.  It was when the family got together for Thanksgiving - sometimes traveling to be there - and all could participate in the decorating.  Back then, the retail stores stayed closed until normal hours on Friday morning.  I worked part-time in retail, and Black Friday was a boom for business but hell for the sales personnel!  That part hasn't changed.  Having worked a few Black Fridays in my life, I tend to avoid the whole scene. The crowds are too big, the deals not quite as good as they sound, and no, standing in line for hours to get the "limited quantity" of the one item I might want just doesn't thrill me.

My preference?  Take it easy, relax, and bake cookies!  And, of course, curl up with a good book against the backdrop of the Thanksgiving weekend football games and holiday specials.   Care to join me?

November 20th - 24th, MURDER IN THE ARBORETUM will be on sale for $0.99!  Grab it and when you need to wind down after the holiday stress, curl up and follow Sheridan as she tries to solve the murder of Justin Blake.  He's not a student. He's not a faculty member. He doesn't live in Cold Creek.  Why is he in the Arboretum and why did someone kill him? As tensions rise, Sheridan takes a lead and becomes a target herself.

One more thing:  I avoided it as long as possible, but I now have a twitter account!  @ChristaN7777  

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